Headshot for Angela

Angel Radford

Angel lives in her hometown of Brandon, FL with her husband Lee. They have two adult children. Before returning to Florida, she served in the local church and non-profit ministry for many years in the Atlanta area. In 2010, their family was called on an adventure to serve as missionaries to Guatemala for eight years. […]

Merritt Anderson

Coming back home to South Carolina never seemed like an option when the Lord moved my family to Florida back in the mid-70s. I ended up attending the University of Central Florida and graduated after squeezing 4 years into 6. However, the Lord has always had His plan for my life, and He opened my […]

Headshot for Joey

Joey Tomassoni

Joey is a pastor, missionary, and painter who has been living in the DC/Annapolis area his entire life. He completed a Church Planters Residency and was ordained through Bay Area Community Church which included core systematic theology classes with Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. He also holds an MFA from American University in painting and is […]

Headshot for Jackie Black

Jackie Black

Jackie is a native of the Washington, D.C. area with ties to Maryland, D.C., and northern Virginia where she currently resides. After graduating from Westminster Theological Seminary, Jackie worked as an adoption social worker, developing a trauma-informed approach with a Biblical focus. She applies how the Lord uses Scripture in His stories to help, heal, […]

Headshot for Lauren Caldwell

Lauren Caldwell

Lauren lives in Birmingham, Alabama where she grew up and is married to her husband, Parker. She counsels individuals, couples, and families. Lauren received a B.A. in Communication with a minor in Human Development and Family Sciences from Auburn University. Afterwards, she completed her Biblical Counseling Certificates at Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (CCEF) while […]

Paul Jeon

Dr. Paul Jeon (M.Div., Ph.D.) is an ordained minister for the Presbyterian Church in America and a professor at Reformed Theological Seminary. He comes with over two decades of counseling experience. He specializes in counseling pastors struggling with burnout, calling, and overall discouragement; couples seeking to heal ruptures in their relationship; and individuals struggling with […]