John Lauber

John Lauber

Late in 2007, John invited his wife Phyllis and three kids along for a wild adventure to establish a private practice for biblical counseling in the greater DC area. As it turned out, Heart Song Counseling was founded, giving him a front row seat to witness God transform people’s hearts, lives, and relationships. Before this current adventure, John served on staff with churches in Rye, New York and Denver, Colorado as an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America.

John is a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando and has nearly 25 years of biblical counseling experience. His schedule includes speaking engagements at churches as well as small group and church leader training seminars. Outside of leading Heart Song, he spends time with Phyllis at their weekly coffee date and their children’s track meets, recitals and other activities. You can often find him at the gym or looking to take risks in outdoor activities. He enjoys reading history and theology, and all too often daydreams that he is playing center field in the Bronx for the Yankees.

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